Insightful Interviews

Today I begin the exciting process of interviewing wonderful primary school teachers, singing teachers and performing arts teachers. I'm looking forward to gaining invaluable insight into their journeys as educators and how the creative arts fit into their every day lives and teaching. 

My set of questions have been adapted for each job role. The interviews will be semi-structured and last approximately 15-30 minutes. The semi-structured interviewer doesn't strictly follow a formalized list of questions. This format also encourages two-way communication. The topic to be discussed is the accessibility and benefits of performing arts in primary years.

Before the interview I asked if they could think about the following questions:

What are your views on the role of creative subjects in primary schools?

What do you perceive to be core subjects and why?

Do you think the creative arts are accessible to children with disabilities? (in and outside of school) - I have also asked a select few to comment on the accessibility for children from different ethnic backgrounds and those whose families struggle financially. 

Do you think the creative arts support a child’s development and learning? – Please name some other benefits if known.

When schools moved to online learning during lockdown how did this effect they way you teach? 

As the interview is semi-structured I'm sure other questions will pop up throughout! 

Further information about the research area given to the participants:

Child poverty and education outcomes by ethnicity - Office for National Statistics (


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